After a night at Al-Majilis talking about the work that I do and also to replace the kedai kopi politics that we always talk about( from the rising diesel prices, to the possible collapse of society due to global wrming to topics such as marriage. hee..), I've decided to shed light into the work I do. I am currently a research engineer, researching on holographic display at A*Star. Our team's objective is to come out with a working 3D holographic display system.
People might wonder that such system exist already wat.. but then again the holographic display that is on the market now is actually stereoscopic. Well, the holographic 3D image that you see at Singapore Discovery Centre(SDC) that requires the aid of the Green and Blue spectacle is a stereoscopic method of displaying 3D image. The problem with this type of display is that you require a visual aid (spectacles) and it can make you feel dizzy (I watched sharks 3D at SDC and it was memeningkan!!). Some companies has tried to come up with computer screens that allow viewing of 3D images without the help of glasses. The screen actually projects 2 different images to each of the viewer's eye's to allow him to see a floating 3D image but the problem with this method is that the viewing angle is small that only a person seated accurately at a certain angle can see. Thus, its not meant for many people to view. Sigh..
However, our team is trying to create a display system that can project a floating 3D image by mathematical calculation of every point on the actual object (from computer first) to a screen. This form of 3D imagery is novel and does not have the disadvantages that stereoscopic display system has. It enables a wide range of views because it does not work like the way stereoscopic 3D image works. Stereoscopic 3D image works by projecting different image on each eye. These images will form a floating image in your brain. However, for these images, you will see the same image if you change your viewing angle. For the mathematical method, you will basically see spatial and depth information of the object as if you are looking at a real 3D object. Tilt your view by a few degrees to the left or right will enable you to see a different side of the object. It will be amazing but the only problem now is that it is a computative intensive process which requires a HUGE!!! amount of computer processor power to generate the floating 3D image.
After trying to explain to my bros about how 3D images are formed as well as other topics in holography, I've discovered that I don't have the knack to explain the theories clearly. In order to understand the topic better, you need an open mind, visual aids as well as good lighting(lighting at Al-Majilis sucks. Reminds you of some opium den man..)
I've actually prepared a powerpoint presentation for the topic on holography that me, Akasha, Imran(yang tengah khusyuk dengar sampai tido) and Khai were discussing that night at Al-Majilis. Sayangnye i just realised that the only files that can be uploaded onto blog is image format.
I'll see what i can do to post it online ya.SOooo... if you are interested to know about holography, pls spend some time to read about what holography is; basics of constructing and reconstructing holography and also the topic of holographic data storage for higher density recording from these 3 URL links:
2. http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/hvd.htm (regarding holographic data storage)
3. http://www.seereal.com/ (some cool holographic images)
Enjoyz !!!!!